Saturday, September 21, 2019

Why Energy Drinks Are Unhealthy Essay Example for Free

Why Energy Drinks Are Unhealthy Essay A lot of people drink energy drinks now, especially young people and teenagers. Adults drink Red Bull and Monsters too explaining it that strong coffee doesn’t help them. Of course, people feel good when they drink energy drinks. Energy drinks have become popular among students in preparation for exams, office workers who do not have time to meet the deadline, some athletes (in fitness clubs), tired drivers and clubbers for anyone who is tired, but should feel fresh and full of energy. After drinking the energy drink, you immediately feel a surge of strength, vitality, improves mood and increases the reaction rate. If we compare the effect of energy with a cup of coffee, it is many times greater than it, and lasts a long time. From time immemorial people have used stimulants. Thus, in the Middle East people to have strength and energy drink coffee, in China and Asia tea in Africa cola nuts. Magnolia, Ginseng, Aralia were popular in Siberia. Energy drinks have appeared in the late twentieth century. A businessman from Australia after a trip to Asia has decided to establish manufacturing engineers. The first energy drink on an industrial scale was Red Bull. Energetic quickly won the love of the consumer along with Coca-Cola and Pepsi. To taste all the energy drinks are not much different from to simple soda. But we know that the manufacturers add vitamins, carbohydrates, and even caffeine. And all this is done to a man tormented life immediately cheered up, felt a surge of strength and in the end felt an interest in this very life. There are doubts? It is known that the composition comprises carbonated beverage energetic water, sugar, and a mysterious color. As they say, drink to your health! The components of energy drinks are not chosen by chance. Carbohydrates are charged with energy, vitamins stimulate the muscles, and caffeine invigorates. Incidentally, the caffeine they contain roughly the same as a cup of coffee. Today, scientists and experts opinions are divided: some believe energy drinnk is quite harmless, as the regular soda, while others argue that they can act like drugs, and certainly addictive and dependency. Jane E. Brody (2011) writes that numbers of scientists are worried about highly caffeinated beverages like Red Bull, Rockstar, Monster and Full Throttle, which are popular among teenagers and young adults. People who regularly drink energy drinks should take care. By drinking one standard drink cans daily dose of caffeine is the normal dose. It is not exceeded but two or more cans it is above the norm for most people. Regularly abusing caffeine can lead to problems such as nervousness, irritability, drowsiness, frequent urination, arrhythmia, and dyspepsia. The simultaneous use of energy drinks and some antidepressants, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, may cause pupil dilation in humans. (Sara M. , 2010) I read a short news article â€Å"Boy treated after Red Bull binge† from BBC News. This article says that fifteen years old boy from Hummersknott Comprehensive School was taken to hospital in Darlington after drinking eight cans of energy drink Red Bull. Of course this is the most common energy drink ingredient and most of you know the side effects, but the list wouldn’t be complete without it. It’s hard to pinpoint a safe dose because it varies from person to person and according to a person’s tolerance. Between 500 milligrams to 1000 milligrams in a 24 hour period will probably result in side effects. (Energy Drink Side Effects) The main active component of energy drinks caffeine, which increases the physical capabilities. In amounts up to 6 mg / kg it actually has a positive effect with a minimum negative impact. (Caffeine Health: Clarifying the Controversies) However, today there are no established norms for the use of caffeine in the energy sector, as they relate to food additives. If soft drinks, according to the norms of FDA, the caffeine content cannot exceed 20 mg / ml, the power of one bank can contain 505 mg of caffeine its like to drink 14 cans of Coca-Cola. Too much caffeine can harm health, making overconsumption of energy drinks risky. Insomnia, heart rhythm disturbances, osteoporosis, heart disease, anxiety and miscarriage are all linked to excessive caffeine consumption. (EmaxHealth, 2010, para.4). Katherine Zeratsky (2012), Resource Drainer, tells â€Å"With the growing popularity of energy drinks, many parents have become concerned about how much caffeine their kids are getting. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that adolescents get no more than 100 milligrams of caffeine a day. Younger children shouldnt drink caffeinated beverages on a regular basis. (Nutrition and healthy eating, para. 6) Young people just pours into an energy drink the market of soft drinks is 20 million liters per year. Even more popular alcoholic cocktails containing energy. But for some reason so wins and successful people will no longer be. But some are altogether in a hospital bed. Consisting of caffeine and taurine, which are simply using energy reserves of the body, without giving anything in return. So, it’s like a car: the more we load the motor, the faster we go, the more wear on the engine. That is why at first regular use of energy drinks enough 1 2 cans, and then all the time necessary to increase the dose to the body using even their innermost reserves of energy stored in an extreme case. But addiction specialists say, not as part of anything is not contained. However, the researchers note that the taste of power engineers and other carbonated drinks are not bad. The liquid from the jar to drink constantly and it is not boring unlike, for example, from ordinary water with sugar. At the same time hooked to the power not only to avid party-goers. Pour tired students and honors students to better prepare for exams, young professionals, so as not to waste precious time in sleep, and time to make money. I read web article â€Å"Surrey school bans high-energy drinks† from BBC website. It tells about Oxted School in Britain. A Surrey school has banned its pupils from drinking high-energy drinks because of their impact on behavior. A spokesman for the energy drink, Red Bull, said it does not recommend its beverages to caffeine-sensitive individuals, including children. The rapid release of adrenaline, increased mental activity, after a short time leads to a decrease in strength. After drinking an energy drink you have to give your body time to recover and take out caffeine. An overdose of caffeine causes nervousness, irritability, lack of sleep and appetite. With long-term regular use of caffeine appear cramps, stomach pain, and deterioration of the nervous system. For children it is most harmful drink. Especially if they drink it more than they can. In addition to the caffeine in energy drinks high in sugar, which can also lead to short-term increase in the activity of the brain. These drinks are quite high in calories, so now they are released in a lightweight version with a sweetener. These drinks do not give additional impetus to energy. â€Å"High levels of refined sugar especially high fructose corn syrup are known to lead to weight gain and diabetes. Most of the more popular brands contain 18-39 grams of sugars, which not only will contribute to developing diabetes and weight gain, but do not contribute to long-term energy. Glucuronolactone one of the natural metabolite of glucose in the human body. Is also found in cereals, red wine, some vegetable resins. It is an important component of connective tissue. No power does not possess properties somewhat improves the excretion of toxic metabolic products. In the energy drinks contain in an amount exceeding the natural daily production in the 250-500 times. † (Energy Drink Facts, para. 8) Taurine another commonly used components. This is sort of a natural component, an amino acid that is also present in appreciable amounts in meat and fish. However, when we use conventional foods, our bodies naturally get taurine in the right quantities. Taurine is best absorbed with vitamin B6. Energy drinks give us more taurine than necessary. Taurine combined with caffeine is toxic to the body. (Side Effects of Taurine, para 4) â€Å"Studies have shown no significant negative side effects in taurine dosages up to 6 grams a day. Energy drink levels of taurine typically are between 50 to 100 milligrams. Excess taurine is eliminated in the urine. One potential positive side effect associated with taurine supplements is for people undergoing chemotherapy. Certain chemotherapy medications can severely decrease a patients taurine levels, and taurine supplementation may make the patient feel better. Chemotherapy patients should speak with their doctors before beginning taurine supplements. † (Side Effects of Taurine, para 4) Guarana a tropical plant with a strong antioxidant effect. Its fruits contain high amounts of caffeine and have tonic properties. Guarana is a medicinal plant. In guarana contains: 5. 5% amide Resin 7%, 0. 6% saponin, and traces of amino acids, adenine and guanine, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium and vitamin B1. (Katherine Zeratsky, 2012) Guarana seeds can be used: to treat headaches, fever, cramps against, as an aphrodisiac. Used guarana seeds for prevention of bacterial infections, as a tonic and tonic as a stimulant. Performance and endurance with the use of guarana increased. Guarana is useful in the treatment of migraine and neuralgia. Guarana helps in the fight against obesity by inhibiting hunger and promoting the destruction of the fat. And for people with chronic fatigue syndrome guarana an indispensable plant. Guarana, along with ginseng, is removed from muscle tissue lactic acid. Decreasing the sensitivity to pain during exercise. Prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis, purify the liver. As part of the energy drink guarana and ginseng derive a variety of toxins and are exciting to people. However, the doctors and then kept in the confirmation of the exciting action. â€Å"Guarana comes from plants native to South America. Amazonians have used it for a long time to increase alertness and energy. It’s more dense in caffeine than coffee beans (3-4% vs 1-2%). It’s not just called â€Å"caffeine† because it contains a couple other things: theobromine and theophylline. They’re found in coffees and teas and are known stimulants. Marketing will sometimes call this one guaranine, as if it’s something different. It’s not. Some people do respond differently to the version of caffeine in guarana compared with regular caffeine. Some report that guarana works better, while others believe it doesn’t have as good of a stimulating effect. † (Energy Drinks Ingredients, para. 8) In using the energy drink people, in addition to the guaranteed caffeine stimulation (the same as when using, for example, coffee), swallows a big question mark because of the effects of combinations of such substances in such doses is simply no data. Also, do not forget that they themselves drink any energy in itself does not contain. They only mobilize internal reserves, literally squeezing them out of cheerfulness. This effect requires a sufficient rest to follow recovery. When an advertisement promises you a jar of energy drink to regain the energy, know that it is a fraud, the energy you expend their own. Sooner or later you will have to return the vigor and energy, taken from the body into debt. If the girl drank energy drink once a month, its easy to cheer her and not feel the moment of the return energy of the debt. If the energy drink used regularly, the body is unable to recover, and in that case, unavoidable harm to the body: shattered nervous system, cardiovascular system wear, and a person has a dependence on energy. As you can see the arguments against is greater than the arguments for. And yet, it is possible in your life may come a time (hopefully, one-time), when you feel the need to drink a bottle of energy drink. In any case take care of yourself. References Boy treated after Red Bull binge. (2008, February 20). BBC. Retrieved from http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/wear/7255306. stm Blanchard K.(2010, August 17). Energy drink risks may outweigh benefits. EmaxHealth. Retrieved from http://www. emaxhealth. com/1020/energy-drink-risks-may-outweigh-benefits Brody J. E. (2011, January 31). Scientists see dangers in energy drinks. New York Times Magazine. Retrieved from http://www. nytimes. com/2011/02/01/health/01brody. html? _r=1 Caffeine Health: Clarifying The Controversies. International food information council foundation. Energy drink facts. Healthy Planet diet. Retrieved from http://www. healthyplanetdiet. com/energy-drink-facts. html Energy drink side effects. Energy fiend. Retrieved from http://www.energyfiend. com/energy-drink-ingredients Sara M. Seifert, BS, Judith L. Schaechter, MD, Eugene R. Hershorin, MD, Steven E. Lipshultz, MD (2010). Health Effects of Energy Drinks on Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults. Pediatrics. Retrieved from http://pediatrics. aappublications. org/content/early/2011/02/14/peds. 2009-3592. abstract Surrey school bans hight-energy drinks. (2010, March 25). BBC. Retrieved from http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/surrey/8586893. stm Zeratsky K. (2012, March 27) Nutrition and healthy eating. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from http://www. mayoclinic. com/health/energy-drinks/AN01303.

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