Sunday, September 1, 2019

European Handball

European Handball – goal shooting European handball is a unique, high intensity sport which is best described as a combination of netball, soccer and basketball. Two teams with seven players per side verse each other. In order to earn points, the handball must be thrown into the goals; this demonstrates the skill of goal shooting which will be the main focus of this report. Characteristics of basketball are seen in the rule that the player must bounce the ball while running.Defending is a common action in any sport and is seen in European Handball; the team without possession of the ball may attempt to stop the other team from scoring by blocking the path of the player with possession. During the game, the ball is passed around in the style of netball. The sport involves a combination of multiple sports such as soccer (goals), netball (passing) and basketball (court size, bouncing, dribbling) which makes it different to any other sport thus people are intrigued to play and tho roughly enjoy it. Explanation of the skillGoal shooting is just like a pass but with more power. The ball must be thrown into the goals. A common technique performed when shooting a goal is the jump shot. The jump shot is where the player is in the air when the shot is made; by doing this the shot is more powerful and more effective. Explanation of the drills 1) The first drill that we will be teaching students in our training session aims to practice the jump shot as it is the most effective way of shooting a goal. For the most effective goal shot, right handed players should push off from and land on their left foot and vice versa.When they are suspended in the air, their body should be stretched with their throwing shoulder back and then the ball should be thrown from the highest point of the jump for maximum effectiveness of the shot at goals. 2) The second drill we will be teaching in our training session aims to practice passing and shooting under pressure through the use of a goalie. Students will get in groups of three and two of them will pass the ball between each other and take shots at goal with a goalie trying to stop them from scoring. To pass the ball students are to use their preferred arm, xtend it behind their head and with force throw overarm to the other player. The goal keeper’s aim is to defend the goals and position them self correctly so any incoming shots can be stopped. They will all stand equal distance apart in a triangular formation. Each student will rotate position until everyone has had a turn at passing and being goalie. This will improve everyone’s passing and defending skills. Actions and strategies that contribute to enjoyable participation There are many strategies that can be used and actions that can be taken to make participation more enjoyable.Offering rewards have proven to be an effective strategy used in many sports all around the world. Rewards come in many shapes and forms to appeal to a wide range of participants such as money, various prizes and awards including certificates, medals and trophies. As well as physical rewards to acknowledge achievement, there are many actions that can be performed to encourage enjoyable participation. Praising good behaviour and recognising an athlete’s achievements is incredibly effective in increasing the enjoyment during participation in a sport.Offering your congratulations by shaking their hand, giving them a pat on the back or simply telling them they’ve done a good job can motivate the player and help them to enjoy the sport more. These actions and strategies not only make players enjoy participating but also show aspects of a good coach. Organisations of activities The training session will be made up of various activities and demonstrations and will go for approximately 10 minutes. Warm Up – We will begin with a warm up which will consist of a short run and stretches.We will demonstrate appropriate stretches which t he students will then complete. First stretching the calf and leg muscles with lunges and swinging legs; then stretching the arm muscles with a shoulder shrug, arm across body, swinging arms, and breathing exercises. This will help get their body and mind ready for the activities. The warm up should run for approximately two minutes. Demonstration and Explanation – We will then give a thorough explanation of the skill, explaining how the skill is preformed and techniques students should use to increase their chances of success.A demonstration of the skill and both drills will then be performed so that students can visibly see what it should look like and get an understanding of how to do it. This explanation and demonstration should go for approximately two to three minutes. Drill One – The students will then perform the drills. Students will form a line and one by one attempt the jump goal shot. We will check that they’re doing it correctly and offer advice to players on how they can improve. This drill requires the goals, cones, ball and the rope and should run for approximately two to three minutes Drill Two –We will then start the second drill. Students are to form groups of threes and go to their own set of goals. The group will have to decide on a defender and two shooters. Students will perform the drill once and we will check that all students are doing it correctly. The players will then rotate positions until everyone has had a go. We will continue giving advice and helping students who are struggling or confused, and will motivate and praise all students. This drill requires goals, cones and balls and should go for two to three minutes Warm Down/ Cool down –The warm down will consist of a slow stretches and various breathing exercises to relax the body and muscles. This will reduce the risk of injuries and sore muscles. Safety measures The safety of all students is the most important. All students are required to f ollow certain rules and instructions so that their safety is not a risk. Warms Ups and Warms Downs – At the beginning and end of our training session we will get all students to complete a range of stretches. Warm ups are essential as they help assist your circulatory system in pumping blood to your working muscles.The purpose is to steadily increase circulation throughout the body. A correct warm up safely prepares the body for movement and exercise. Cold muscles which have not been properly warmed up are more susceptible to injury. Warm downs relax your muscles and allow your heart rate to slowly return back to normal. Pay attention to demonstrations/ listen to instructions – All students need to pay close attention to the demonstrations and listen when we’re explaining the skills so that they know exactly what to do.If students are not paying attention and then try to perform the skill they could ruin equipment, hurt them self and hurt other students around t hem. Correct/Appropriate Equipment – European handball requires a specific ball. The ball is not allowed to have a shiny or slippery surface as the player needs to be able to grip the ball to throw a powerful pass. If an incorrect ball is used the players will find it hard to grip onto the ball and throw a powerful pass, and the ball would also be dropped a lot which could result in another player tripping over it and injuring themself.No contacting or unnecessary rough play – European handball is a fast paced sport but it is contact free. Players are not allowed to contact one another deliberately. Any student who is acting in an unnecessary behaviour will put themselves and peers at risk of being hurt. Appropriate use of equipment – All students are to act sensible with the equipment that they use whilst participating in the drills. The equipment can cause injury if used incorrectly, and students who do not use it appropriately could also risk damaging it. Sup ervision of instructors/ teacher –Teachers and instructors (people running the activity) are responsible for the safety of all students participating in the activities. They are expected to supervise all performances so that any errors can be corrects and mistakes can be pointed out. It is a coach’s responsibility to teach their students the correct way to perform a skill in order to remain safe. The safety of the athlete is always the main priority. All of the above points should be followed throughout the whole presentation so that all students are safe and the chance of injury is decreased.

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