Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Negitive Effects of Tobacco Essay - 1330 Words

Drugs are generally recognized as of the greatest problems in the United States. According to the statistics, tobacco has the highest death rate. Smoking is a very popular habit, even though we all know that smoking is very dangerous. Millions of people around the globe want to quit smoking for medical reasons such as having already two heart-valve replacement surgeries. By now, almost everyone knows that smoking and other tobacco use causes cancer. But it can also cause may more problems. When you smoke tobacco, the effects on your body are immediate. Your pulse increases. Breathing becomes faster and more shallow. Circulation begins to drop. Poisonous compounds like carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and ammonia gas enter your†¦show more content†¦They become large and hard, and lose their ability to exchange air. With damaged air sacs, you cannot get enough air to breathe, and always feel that you cannot catch your breath. Emphysema is a very serious disease. It takes yea rs to develop, but its damage cannot be undone. The disease can be caused by any substance in the lungs, which causes irritation and swelling. Cigarette smoke is the most common cause of this disease as cigarette smoke contains acidic and irritant substances. Substances in cigarettes irritate the walls of the throat and the bronchial tubes. Mucus is produced which clogs up the respiratory passages. This makes breathing difficult and leads to a â€Å"smokers cough†. Very often, the bronchial tubes become infected and the disease lasts a long time instead of clearing up in a few days. Without treatment, bronchitis will seriously weaken your lungs. The only chance your lungs have to fully recover is for you to stop putting cigarette smoke into them. Is smoking really worth losing your breath? Smoking cigarettes and marijuana are closely related. Research shows that youth who smoke cigarettes are fourteen times more likely to try marijuana as those who dont. With regular use of tobacco, levels of nicotine accumulate in the body during the day and persist overnight thus exposing daily smokers to the effects of nicotine for 24 hours each day. There are long-term hazards. In addition to nicotine, cigarette smoke is primarily

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