Saturday, October 5, 2019

Throughout the Great Depression, the unemployed in the United States Essay

Throughout the Great Depression, the unemployed in the United States remained a dispirited and disorganised mass that made li - Essay Example The U.S is one of the nations that believe on job creation as one of the most effective way of boosting the national economy. Its politicians from several parties have included the issue of job creation in their agendas to win more votes but forget it the moment they ascend to power2. It would be unfair to place the entire blame on the politicians alone since the issue of unemployment in the country is every one’s responsibilities. For instance, it is more than evident that the U.S citizens opt for less demanding courses like social and art based courses whose fields are already crowded. They leave the foreigners to major in technological, medical and natural science courses which are still marketable in the job markets. After the graduations, the U.S would always absorb the foreigners who majored in complex courses and provide attractive salary packages while the U.S citizens who majored in less demanding courses remain jobless3. Politicians in the country do not deserve any blame in this scenario. Every student is always presented with equal opportunities to pursue any course depending on the students’ abilities. However, some blame would be directed to the politicians. For instance, the 2007 global financial crisis that saw more than 500,000 U.S citizens from both private and governmental sectors lose their jobs. The legislators ordered various financial institutions to offer some unsecured loans to the real estate department only for the loans to remain unpaid due to some sort of reasons4. The government had to withdraw some amounts from the national treasury to settle such loans. In the event, the national and global economy was compromised and this saw several people lose their jobs among other effects. The human rights activists have been advocating for the increase in employment rates. There have been several instances when the human rights mobilize the unemployed U.S citizens to demonstrate in major streets with posters portraying the nee d for rise in employment rates. Such claims have also been portrayed in different platforms like websites, internet pages, national broadcasting channels, and national newspapers and through road campaigns among others. However, the government through the national and homeland security is always keen whenever more than 10 U.S citizens gather to raise their claims with regards to increased unemployment rates5. This is because whatever starts like a simple and peaceful demonstration usually turn up to be violent and some sort of chances to loot from major stores in the country. It is believed that this is one of the government strategies to keep the nation silence despite the increased rates of unemployment. Top U.S politicians have also ordered fro the arrest or even assassination of top human rights activists advocating for increased employment rates. Political analyst lament that such claims can make the citizens lose trust in a certain government and call for revolutions, just as it happened in Egypt and Libya among other nations. Several business reports indicate that illegal U.S immigrants form the greatest percentage in the national job market. This is because they are provided with more reduced salary packages among other benefits. The illegal immigrants are always desperate for employment opportunities for sustenance. Furthermore, their employers are always relieved of some labor regulations like insurance among others. It is

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