Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Basic skills for managerial success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Basic skills for managerial success - Essay Example The targets focus on the number of consultants that generates revenues for the organisation. His managerial function also involves motivating his team members to perform their work at the highest possible level for the benefit of the team and the organisation. Since the company is a target-driven organisation, the manager's major functions also involve monitoring and correcting the activities of his members through weekly reports and meetings. According to Daft and Marcic (2001), the general definition of management is the achievement of desired organisational goals in a manner that is efficient and effective. In order to achieve these goals, a manager must perform different functions of planning, organising, leading and controlling organisational resources. A manager must know how to learn what is valued, what would be of more value, and what will be valued by customers and users. (Parr, 1992) Planning involves setting goals and deciding how to best achieve these goals. It helps the organisation set its future objectives and map out activities that are necessary to attain these goals. Plans are created as guide for the organisation to obtain and commit the resources needed to reach its goals. This also serves as a framework where members of the organisation carry on activities which are consistent with the chosen objectives and procedures. Plans are necessary in order to measure and monitor the progress towards the achievement of the objective. (Mintzberg, 1994) Organising is assigning responsibilities for the accomplishment of tasks. Organising also includes allocation and arranging of organisational resources so that plans can be carried out successfully. These resources may include financial, physical, informational, technical and human resources. Leading is the manner of influencing other people to work towards the achievement of goals. Influence can be used to motivate people. Controlling is the manager's role of monitoring activities and making corrections. It is also considered as regulating activities to reach the desired goals. (Daft & Marcic, 2008) In association to the general definition of management, it is observed that the middle manager interviewed for this paper has performed the different functions of management. The planning function is demonstrated through his setting of the team's targets for the month and creating work strategies focused on achieving the targets. The manager follows the principles of management by objectives. (Hindle, 2003) The organising function is exhibited through assigning team members to meet with clients and prospects on a daily basis, in order to create business transactions. The leading function of the key account manager is best displayed when the manager motivates his people to perform exceptionally and creates a happy and healthy work environment. The controlling function is shown through weekly monitoring as well as business improvement meetings and brainstorming. The manager monitors the team members through a feedback mechanism and reports. Such reports will be compared with the expected results or targets. Corrective actions are made in order to put the members back on its track of achieving the desired objectives of the month. Effective managers are concerned with accomplishments where they set standards of performance, pursue aggressive goals and work hard to

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