Friday, February 21, 2020

Human Resource (Supporting Organizational Strategies) Assignment

Human Resource (Supporting Organizational Strategies) - Assignment Example American Airlines and Southwest Airlines have taken different approaches to the way each organization handled on-time flights. The culture he describes in American Airlines is one of fear, promoting blame amongst the employees. Leaders demand to know who is responsible for the problem, focusing on accountability instead of the true causes (Pfeffer, 2005). On the other hand, Southwest Airlines is described as breeding a culture of accountability, but from a different perspective than that of American Airlines. Rather than focusing on the individual or group of people who have caused the delay, they make it a point to promote the fact that delays are everyone’s responsible; supporting the mind-set that the organization is a team. Thus, Pfeffer (2005) describes Southwest Airlines as having greater success in its approach, working to find solutions rather than the person or department to blame the problem on. Managing a company’s culture has been proven to be at the root of its successes, and failures (Pfeffer, 2005). While accountability is extremely important in business, who is being held accountable is even more critical. As can be seen in the American Airlines example discussed, the blame-game can transform a well-meaning system into a useless chain of finger-pointing in a hurry. Then, the focus is on finding out who is responsible for the problem, rather than how it happened, to try and avoid it in the future; hence, Pfeffer’s emphasis on changing leader mind-sets to change the culture. key source of competitive advantage,† there is another responsibility, just as crucial to overall business success, that Human Resources (HR) must consider (Pfeffer, 2005, p. 127). Pfeffer (2005) suggests the diagnosis of changes to be made in regard to the mind-set of an organization is one of the most important, yet most underestimated tasks the HR team will

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

American Women Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

American Women - Personal Statement Example When the men went to war the women would manage the farm or the shop. It was accepted then that women did not need to be educated and so emphasis was only placed on educating males. The women were represented by their husbands or their fathers in public affairs. Once they got married they lost the right to property. Today, with the industrial revolution and other changes that have taken place since the 19780’s the family unit is less cohesive and stable as their survival is no longer dependent on the family farm. Women are now free to vote, to attend college and to work outside the home. They no longer live on farms but in suburban communities. Women are now seen as equal to men and being able to take up positions in business and politics where they help to make decisions. . Part 2 How have women’s roles changed from the 1950’s to the 21st century? What impact has the media had on these changes? The roles of women have changed from being the homemaker – co oking and cleaning to taking up careers outside of the home in politics, medicine and law. Women are now focused on education and jobs. Their lifestyles have changed along with the family structure. According to Francis (2007) in 2003 there were 1.35 females to every male who graduated from a four year college.